Our new article devoted to quantum turbulence in Fermi superfluids has been published in PNAS Nexus. For the computation, we have used a LUMI supercomputer.
An article titled Successful Polish LUMI pilot project in the field of quantum mechanics has been published on the LUMI webpage. .
See here for LUMI webpageOur new article devoted to dynamical properties of Higgs mode in a strongly interacting Fermi gas has been published in Scientific Reports
An article titled Successful Polish LUMI pilot project in the field of quantum mechanics has been published on the LUMI webpage. .
See here for LUMI webpageOur new article devoted to properties of spin-imbalanced ultracold Fermi gas in a large range of spin polarizations at low temperatures has been published in New. J. Phys.
I invite applications to fill postdoc position in the field of ultracold atomic gases or nuclear astrophsyics
See here for more informationOur article Dissipative Dynamics of Quantum Vortices in Fermionic Superfluid has been published in Phys. Rev. Lett. This paper investigates the nonuniversal dissipative dynamics of quantum vortices in a fermionic superfluid. The paper aims to explain the experimental observations of Kwon et al. [Nature (London) 600, 64 (2021)].
Our article Dissipation Mechanisms in Fermionic Josephson Junction has been published in Phys. Rev. Lett. In this paper we characterize numerically the dominant dynamical regimes in a superfluid ultracold fermionic Josephson junction.
The third edition of the workshop took place 27-29 March 2023, Warsaw. Location: CZIiTT Bldg.
See here for the programMy proposal titled Superfluid dynamics in Fermi systems with dissipation and fluctuations has been accepted for funding by Polish National Science Centre.
There will be a call soon for a postdoc position related to this grant. Interested candidates, please get in touch with GW. For more info related to the scope of this grant, see here.
Our project DYNAmics of STrongly interacting nuclei in neutron star’s inner crust (PI: Daniel Pęcak) has been accepted for realization on LUMI system. In this project, we plan to determine properties of the inner crust of a neutron star. by means of fully microscopic dynamical simulations.
See here for more info
Our article Spin-polarized vortices with reversed circulation has been published in Phys. Rev. A. The work demonstrates that in spin imbalanced superfluid Fermi gases quantum vortices can have very exotic structures: their cores can rotate in opposite direction from the rest of the fluid.
Our article, titled Local energy density functional for superfluid Fermi gases from effective field theory, has been published in Physical Review A. In this article, we construct SLDAE energy density functional that can be applied to ultracold atoms in BCS-UFG crossover. It is the first paper where we provide a reproducibility pack of W-SLDA Toolkit.
Our article, titled Pairing dynamics and solitonic excitations in collisions of medium-mass, identical nuclei, has been published in Physical Review C. In this paper, we show that pairing field leads to qualitatively different dynamics at the Coulomb barrier like a slower evolution of deformation towards a compact shape or oscillations of pairing field and bears similarity to the pairing Higgs mechanism
Our project Turbulent dynamics in superfluid Fermi systems has been accepted for Pilot Phase realized on LUMI system. The system is expected to start production in 2022 and be then one of the world’s best supercomputers. The Pilot Phase will allow tuning W-SLDA Toolkit towards a new architecture. The project will be executed in collabortion with ICM at University of Warsaw and ELPA Team.
See here for more info
Our article, titled Sensitivity of time-dependent density functional theory to initial conditions, has been published in Physical Review C. Our analysis, for a number of quantum superfluid many-body systems, suggests that the DFT theory of consistent with vanishing Lyapunov exponents.
Our article, titled Rotating quantum turbulence in the unitary Fermi gas, has been published in Physical Review A. In this paper, we present a large-scale study of quantum turbulence in rotating fermionic superfluids using an accurate time-dependent density functional theory called the superfluid local density approximation
In the latest issue of Prace Digest 2021 publicity article presenting our researches is published. It is titled Advancing our understanding of neutron stars by examining the quantum vortices colliding inside.
Our article, titled Vortex lattice in spin-imbalanced unitary Fermi gas, has been published in Physical Review A. We investigate the properties of a spin-imbalanced and rotating unitary Fermi gas. Using our W-SLDA Toolkit, we provide insight into states that emerge from a competition between Abrikosov lattice formation, spatial phase separation, and the emergence of the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) state.
Our article, titled Properties of a quantum vortex in neutron matter at finite temperatures, has been published in Physical Review C. Here, we have studied systematically microscopic properties of a quantum vortex in neutron matter at finite temperatures and densities corresponding to different layers of the inner crust of a neutron star.
Our project Superfluid dynamics with oscillating currents in Fermi systems submitted within PRACE 23th Call has been awarded. We were granted access to Piz Daint (CSCS) system - presently the fastest European supercomputer.
See here for list of awarded projectsOur project Supersolidity in ultracold Fermi gas has been accepted for Pilot Phase realized on LUMI system. The system is expected to start production in 2022 and being then one of the world’s best supercomputers. The Pilot Phase will allow tuning W-SLDA Toolkit towards a new architecture.
See here for more info
Our article, titled Dynamics of spin-polarized impurity in ultracold Fermi gas, has been published in Physical Review A. Here, we investigate the dynamical properties of polarized droplets, called ferrons, like their effective mass or stability properties with respect to the flow.
Stypendium jest finansowane z konkursu organizowanego w ramach Inicjatywy Doskonałości Uczelni Badawczych w konkursie POB FWEiTE-2, w projekcie: Konstrukcja kodu do symulacji układów jądrowych i jego zastosowanie do badania nadciekłej materii fermionowej. Zapraszamy do aplikowania!
Our article, titled Universal aspects of vortex reconnections across the BCS-BEC crossover, has been published in Physical Review A. In the article we reveal that the reconnection dynamics conforms with the predicted universal behavior across the entire BCS-BEC crossover.
We organize minisymposia during the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC) Conference titled Time Dependent Superfluid Density Functional Theory and Supercomputing: Latest Developments and Challenges.
Nasza grupa otwiera konkurs na wakacyjny staż dla studentów. Zwycięzcy konkurs będą brali udział w badaniach naukowych finansowanych przez NCN. Zapraszamy do aplikowania!
Lubisz mechanikę kwantową i komputery? Sprawdź aktualną listę tematów prac dyplomowych możliwych do zrealizowania w naszej pracowni.
W-SLDA Toolkit is self-consistent solver of mathematical problems which have structure formally equivalent to Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations.
Nuclear theory group invites computer scientists and students, who would like to get involved in the development of High Performance Computing (HPC) toolkit for solving of Density Functional Theory (DFT) equations for sperconducting / superfluid systems.
See here for more informationOur project Quantum Turbulence in Fermi Superfluids submitted within ALCC Call has been awarded. We were granted access to Summit (ORNL) system - presently the computer #2 in world wide ranking. Leading PI of the awarded project is Michael Forbes (Washington State University)
See here for list of awarded projectsLubisz mechanikę kwantową i komputery? Sprawdź aktualną listę tematów prac dyplomowych możliwych do zrealizowania w naszej pracowni.
I invite applications to fill postdoc position in the field of ultracold atomic gases or nuclear astrophsyics
See here for more informationOur project Dissipative dynamics in fermionic superfluids submitted within PRACE 20th Call has been awarded. We were granted access to Piz Daint (CSCS) system - presently the fastest European supercomputer.
See here for list of awarded projectsNasza grupa otwiera konkurs na wakacyjny staż dla studentów. Zwycięzcy konkurs będą brali udział w badaniach naukowych finansowanych przez NCN. Zapraszamy do aplikowania!
The second edition of the workshop will take place 02-04 March 2020. Location: CZIiTT Bldg., 5th floor, room no. 5.02.
See here for agendaWhat is a supercomputer? How do scientists use them? What are the most powerful supercomputers today? The answers to these questions can be found in an interview with OtokoClub.
Click here to see the interviewOur article, titled Spin-polarized droplets in the unitary Fermi gas, has been published in Physical Review A. In the article we demonstrate existence of a new type of spatially localized excitation which we dub as ferron.
Our project Investigation of quantum turbulence in strongly interacting Fermi systems submitted within PRACE 18th Call has been awarded. We were granted access to Piz Daint (CSCS) system - presently the fastest European supercomputer.
See here for list of awarded projectsNew article promoting my researches has been published at phys.org website. Article is titled "New simulation methods to visualise quantum effects in superfluid fermions", and summarizes results published in paper Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 253002 (2018).
Click here to read the articleI invite applications to fill phd student position in the field of ultracold atomic gases or nuclear astrophsyics
----- See call details -----Nasza grupa otwiera konkurs na wakacyjny staż dla studentów. Zwycięzcy konkurs będą brali udział w badaniach naukowych finansowanych przez NCN. Zapraszamy do aplikowania!
Lubisz mechanikę kwantową i komputery? Sprawdź aktualną listę tematów prac dyplomowych możliwych do zrealizowania w naszej pracowni.
Our article, titled Suppressed Solitonic Cascade in Spin-Imbalanced Superfluid Fermi Gas, has been published in Physical Review Letters! [G. Wlazłowski, K. Sekizawa, M. Marchwiany, and P. Magierski, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 253002 (2018)]
My proposal titled Investigation of quantum turbulence in strongly correlated Fermi systems has been accepted for funding by Polish National Science Centre.
I invite applications to fill postdoc and phd student position in the field of ultracold atomic gases or nuclear astrophsyics
Last update: 04-12-2024
Faculty of Physics @ WUT