Gabriel Wlazłowski's Homepage

Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University of Technology
Department of Physics, University of Washington

List of my talks

  1. XVII Polish Workshop on Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions
    Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland, December 14-15, 2024,  
    Talk: Towards accurate modeling of neutron star crust properties and what we can learn from them about the core.
  2. IMPRS Summer School 2024 - Machine learning and Many body systems in or out of equilibrium
    Wrocław, Poland, July 29-31, 2024,  
    Lecture 1: BCS–BEC crossover in ultracold gases and nuclear systems; jupyter examples: gpe, bcs
    Lecture 2: Density Functional Theory for systems with pairing correlations
  3. Masovian Symposium on Quantum, Optical and Atomic Physics
    Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, 10 – 11 June 2024,  
    Talk: Dynamics of superfluid Fermi gases: a density functional theory approach.
  4. Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, 27-29 May 2024, 
    Talk: Towards microscopic simulator of neutron star crust: merging progress in fields of ultracold atomic gases and nuclear physics.
  5. International School Of Solid-State Physics, 85Th Workshop: Nonequilibrium Phenomena In Strongly Correlated Ultracold Matter
    Erice-Sicily: 9 – 15 May 2024,  
    Talk: Quantum turbulence in superfluid Fermi gases: results of numerical modeling.
  6. The physics of strongly interacting matter: neutron stars, cold atomic gases and related systems
    ECT* Trento, Italy, April 22 – 26, 2024  
    Talk: Ultracold Fermi gases as benchmark platform for neutron star studies: density functional theory approach.
  7. Polish-German WE-Heraeus Seminar & Max Born Symposium, Many-Particle Systems under Extreme Condition
    Synagoge Görlitz, Germany, December 3–6, 2023 
    Talk: Towards microscopic simulator of neutron star crust: merging progress in fields of ultracold atomic gases and nuclear physics.
  8. QuAntum Coherent dynamics: Turbulence, non-eqUilibrium and interactionS (QACTUS),
    Institut d'Estudis Catalans, Barcelona, Spain, September 6-8, 2023 
    Poster: Towards general-purpose simulation platform for superfluid fermions.
  9. Konwersatorium Wydziału Fizyki UwB,
    Uniwersytet w Białymstoku, 20 June 2023 
    Talk: Density functional theory for superfluid Fermi systems: an overview of recent developments.
  10. Polish-French Symposium II : Advances in the physics of ultracold matter,
    Scientific Center in Paris, Polish Academy of Sciences, Paris, 31 May 2023 - 02 June 2023 
    Talk: Towards general-purpose simulation platform for superfluid fermions.
  11. Seminar of Faculty of Physics and Astronomy,
    University of Wroclaw, Wrocław, 7 June 2023 
    Talk: Ultra-cold atomic gases, neutron stars, and nuclei from the perspective of density functional theory.
  12. Polish-French Symposium II : Advances in the physics of ultracold matter,
    Scientific Center in Paris, Polish Academy of Sciences, Paris, 31 May 2023 - 02 June 2023 
    Talk: Towards general-purpose simulation platform for superfluid fermions.
  13. Theoretical Physics Division seminar,
    National Center for Nuclear Research, Warsaw, 24 May 2023 
    Talk: Ultra-cold atomic gases, neutron stars, and nuclei from the perspective of density functional theory.
  14. LUMI Day Poland 2023,
    Online, Apr. 14, 2023 
    Talk: Turbulent dynamics in superfluid Fermi systems.
  15. Seminar of Atomic Optics Department,
    Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków, 27 Feb. 2023 
    Talk: Towards general-purpose simulation platform for superfluid fermions across BCS-BEC crossover.
  16. 28th Nuclear Physics Workshop 2022,
    Kazimierz Dolny, 20-24 September 2022 
    Talk: Solitonic excitations in nuclear reactions and their counterparts in ultracold Fermi gases.
  17. Quantum Transport with ultracold atoms,
    International Workshop, 29 August - 2 September 2022, Dresden, Germany 
    Talk: Towards general-purpose simulation platform for superfluid fermions across BCS-BEC crossover.
  18. FINESS 2022,
    St. Martin, Deutsche Weinstrasse, Germany, 02.-06.05.2022 2-6 May 2022 
    Poster: Quantum turbulence in fermionic superfuids: results of large scale simulatons.
  19. UK Quantum Fluids network,
    Webinar, 15 February 2022, 
    Talk: Fermionic superfluidity: from single vortex dynamics to quantum turbulence.
  20. LUMI and its potential for Polish science,
    Virtual meeting, 20 October 2021, 
    Talk: Supersolidity (nowy stan skupienia w gazach Fermiego).
  21. E-MRS Fall Meeting 2021,
    Virtual meeting, 20-23 September 2021, 
    Talk: Modeling of superfuids by means of density functional theory.
  22. Quantum Optics X,
    Toruń, Poland, 5-11 September 2021 
    Poster: Quantum turbulence in fermionic superfuids: results of large scale simulatons.
  23. Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC) Conference,
    Geneva, Switzerland, 5-9 July 2021, 
    Organizer of minisymposia: Time Dependent Superfluid Density Functional Theory and Supercomputing: Latest Developments and Challenges.
  24. Optics Group Seminars at University of São Paulo,
    São Carlos, Brazil, 27-10-2020, 
    Talk: Fermionic superfuidity: from dynamics of a single vortex to quantum turbulence.
  25. Workshop: Nonequilibrium phenomena in superfluid systems,
    Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland, 2-4 March 2020, 
    Talk: Nonequilibrium phenomena in superfluid systems: Quantum turbulence.
  26. Seminarium Fizyki Jądra Atomowego UW,
    University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, 27 February 2020, 
    Talk: Nuclear density functional theory as a source of microscopic input for pulsar glitch models.
  27. Seminar of Theoretical Physics Division,
    National Center for Nuclear Research, Warsaw, 22 Jan 2020, 
    Talk: Far from equilibrium superfluid dynamics of strongly interacting Fermi systems.
  28. EuroHPC Summit Week 2019,
    Poznań, Poland, 13-17 May 2019, 
    Talk: Searching for new superfluid effects by means of numerical experiments .
  29. Seminarium Zakładu Mechaniki Kwantowej UMK,
    Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland, 07 May 2019, 
    Talk: Dynamics of ultracold atomic clouds by means of time dependent density functional theory.
  30. Seminarium Fizyki Materii Skondensowane UW,
    University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, 12 April 2019, 
    Talk: From dynamics of a single vortex to quantum turbulence in fermionic superfluids.
  31. Supercomputing Frontiers Europe 2019,
    Warsaw, Poland, 11-14 March 2019, 
    Talk: Time dependent density functional theory and supercomputing: new prospects for modelling superfudity in neutron stars.
  32. Warsztaty Naukowe FoKA 2 ,
    Iława Poland, 31.01-02.02, 2019, 
    Talk: Overview of scientifc activity of Nuclear Theory Group at WUT.
  33. Przyszłość fizyki jądrowej niskich energii w polsce a rozwój krajowej infrastruktury badawczej,
    Heavy Ion Laboratory at the University of Warsaw, Poland, 14-15 January 2019, 
    Talk: Time dependent density functional theory and supercomputing: new prospects formodelling superfudity in neutron stars.
  34. Inaugural lecture at Faculty of Physics WUT,
    Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University of Technology, October 1, 2018, 
    Lecture (in polish): Rola superkomputerów i modelowania numerycznego we współczesnej fizyce.
  35. PHAROS WG2 meeting,
    Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, 9-11 April 2018, 
    Talk: Time dependent density functional theory and supercomputing - new prospects for modelling superfludity in neutron stars.
  36. Supercomputing Frontiers Europe 2018,
    Warsaw, Poland, 12-15 March 2018, 
    Talk: Towards exascale simulations of quantum turbulence in Fermi superfluids: status and challenges.
  37. Sesja sprawozdawcza ICM 2018,
    Warsaw, Poland, 15-16 March 2018, 
    Talk: Dynamics of fermionic superfluids within density functional theory.
  38. Quantum transport with cold atoms Conference,
    Monte Verità, TI, Switzerland, 21-25 July 2018, 
    Poster: Towards microscopic simulations of quantum turbulence in Fermi superfluids: status and challenges.
  39. POLNS18 meeting,
    Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, 26-28 March 2018, 
    Talk: Towards accurate description of non-equilibrium dynamics in superfluid neutron matter.
  40. CSQCD VII Conference,
    Advanced Science Research Center CUNY, New York, USA, June 11 – 15, 2018, 
    Talk: Towards accurate description of non-equilibrium dynamics in superfluid neutron matter.
  41. Colloquium at Physics and Astronomy Department of Washington State University,
    September 5, 2017, Pullman, USA, 
    Talk: Towards accurate description of non-equilibrium dynamics in superfluid Fermi systems: status and challenges.
  42. Annual NewCompStar Conference 2017,
    Staszic Palace, Warsaw, Poland, 27-31 March 2017, 
    Talk: Superfluid density functional theory as a source of microscopic input for pulsar glitch models.
  43. International Workshop on Finite systems in Nonequilibrium: From quantum quench to the formation of strong correlations,
    International Institute of Physics (IIP), Natal, Brazil, September 18 - 22, 2017, 
    Talk: Real-time dynamics of topological excitations in strongly correlated Fermi systems: status and challenges
    Talk available online here.
  44. Seminarium Naukowe Wydziału Fizyki PW,
    Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland, 12 April 2017, 
    Talk: Investigation of static and dynamic properties of unitary Fermi gas using ab initio methods.
  45. Superfluidity and Pairing Phenomena: from Cold Atomic Gases to Neutron Stars,
    ECT*, Villazzano, Italy, March 20 - 24, 2017, 
    Talk: Vortex dynamics in strongly interacting fermionic superfluids from time-dependent density functional theory.
  46. Seminar of Theoretical Physics,
    Institute of Physics PAN, Warsaw, 31 January, 2017, 
    Talk: Towards accurate description of non-equilibrium dynamics in superfluid Fermi systems.
  47. National Centre for Nuclear Research Seminar,
    Warsaw, Poland, October 12, 2016, 
    Talk: Dynamics of topological excitations in fermionic ultracold atoms and in nuclear systems: similarities and differences.
  48. Quantum Technologies Conference VII - Manipulating photons, atoms, and molecules,
    Institute of Physics PAN, Warsaw, September 20 - 25, 2016, 
    Talk: Temperature evolution of transport coefficients in ultracold fermionic gases.
  49. The Phases of Dense Matter,
    Institute for Nuclear Theory, Seattle, USA, July 11 - August 12, 2016, 
    Talk: Extraction of pinning force between quantized vortex and nucleus in superfluid nuclear matter.
  50. Advances in transport and response properties of strongly interacting systems,
    ECT*, Villazzano, Italy, May 2 - 6, 2016, 
    Talk: Transport coefficients of ultracold atomic gases from quantum Monte Carlo simulations.
  51. XXII Nuclear Physics Workshop ”Marie & Pierre Curie”,
    Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, September 22 - 27, 2015, 
    Talk: Solving quantum ground-state problems for large nuclear systems with pairing cor- relations: computational challenges.
  52. Quantum Technologies Conference VI - Manipulating photons, atoms, and molecules,
    Institute of Physics PAN, Warsaw, June 21 - 27, 2015, 
    Talk: From dynamics of a single superfluid vortex to quantum turbulence in the unitary Fermi gas: results of time-dependent superfluid density functional theory.
  53. Seminar of Atomic Optics Department,
    Institute of Physics of the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, 12 October 2015, 
    Talk: Dynamics of nonlinear processes in ultracold fermionic gases within Density Functional Theory.
  54. Seminar of Nuclear Theory Division,
    Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University of Technology, 13 April 2015, 
    Talk: Searching for perfect fluids - from hot quark gluon plasma to ultracold atomic gases.
  55. Seminar of Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling,
    ICM, Warsaw, 29 January 2015, 
    Talk: Time-dependent Superfluid Local Density Approximation: Computational Challenges.
  56. XI Workshop on Particle Correlations and Femtoscopy ,
    Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer Management, Warsaw University of Technology, 3-7 November 2015, 
    Talk: Searching for perfect fluid in ultracold fermionic gas.

Last update: 31-12-2024

Faculty of Physics @ WUT

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